Monday, August 9, 2010

More Dreamweaver Samples

Hello all, sorry I have been neglecting my blog this last week. I honestly don't know where the days go! Here are a couple more pictures from the Dreamweaver booth at CHA. I wish I had more but we got so busy I forgot to take pictures. All the samples were beautiful, and this picture really doesn't do them justice.
I have included another sample of the sleigh. This one is done with gold embossing paste. After it was dry, I stenciled Rocket Red Brilliance ink on the sleigh, coated it with clear embossing powder and heat embossed it. I put the stencil back on and inked and embossed a second time to really make it glossy. I used a No. 12 stencil brush (very large) to brush some color around the edges and soften the look. This is a fun stencil that looks great no matter what technique you use!

Happy creating,


1 comment:

  1. Wow so many cards and so much inspiration all in one place! I wish I had been there to see them and take some pics (if it was allowed). As for the sleigh, it's so pretty and I can just imagine how much better it looks in person. Sounds like a lot of work but I may have to try that technique...someday!


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