Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thursday's Dream Schemes

I can't believe it's Thursday already! The weeks seem to fly by, but especially so at this busy time of year. But it is so important to take the time for friends and family. That's why this card is so perfect! It is simple, fast and a beautiful way to pay homage to this glorious season. The colors are fit for royalty.

Our Dream Team challenge this week was to create using the Glossy Blue Embossing Paste. I used two Dreamweaver Stencils (LM2007 Hallelujah, LL554 Nativity Scene), Glossy Blue Embossing Paste, and Metallic F/X powder Purple Satin FX14.

Here's how its done:

Tape both stencils to white cardstock, butting the edges together. This will take a little extra tape to make sure all the seams are covered. Apply the Glossy Blue paste and sprinkle with the Purple Satin F/X powder but don't cover up all the blue paste. Remove your stencil, let it dry, then polish away the excess powder with a soft cloth. You end up with a blue and purple marble affect. Here's a close up to help you see what I'm talking about:

You can do each stencil separately if you prefer, but I'm always looking for shortcuts! Hope this inspires you to try this on your own. Truly it couldn't be easier.

Don't forget to stop by the other Dream Team blogs too. They are all filled with "Blue-tiful" creations. Just click on their names on the left hand side of my blog. And, of course, you won't want to miss the DREAM it UP! blog.

Happy Creating,



  1. This is glad you showed a close up of the Metallic F/X. I think the Hallelujah with the is great...did not even think of that!

  2. very pretty and love the FX too! Lynell keeps stealing my thoughts...really....DITTO

  3. Perfect for the season! I love your humor in the blog- more!

  4. Just SO GORGEOUS, and I LOVE that hallelujah stencil!!

  5. I never would have thought of the marbling effect. It's fantastic!! Butting the stencils together is also a great idea. I would have done one at a time and taken twice as long to do.

  6. This is so gorgegous!!! I love both of the stencil choices and good for you for being bold and using blue with them!!! Great job!!!

  7. That marble effect is so cool! Love how you lined the stencils up to complete it all!

  8. Oh wow I love that look, so gorgeous! This is so pretty with the blue and purple!


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