Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pretty in Pink

Welcome to another Thursday's Dream Scheme challenge from Dreamweaver Stencils. This week is Designer's Choice, so I chose the beautiful new Tole Heart (LL3010) as my focal point for this pretty card. But wait!! Is that ANOTHER beautiful new stencil in the background??? It certainly is! It is the new Small Damask (LJ907) stencil that will be released at CHA next week. Isn't it fabulous!

This card is done with the strie (sorry I can't seem to get that accent mark over the e!) technique. Start with white cardstock (4 1/4" x 5 1/2") embossed by running the stencil and paper through your favorite personal die cut machine or by hand embossing with a light box and stylus. Trim to the edge of the embossed area all around the design and use a corner rounder on all the corners. Use a 1/2" or 3/4" stencil brush to "sweep" color in from one side, turn the design to the next side and sweep in more color. Keep turning and sweeping until you get all four sides complete. I keep sweeping and turning until I get enough color to my liking.
For the heart, I added some color with the same sweeping motion, then cut it out before adding more color so the edges got colored too. I adhered it to the background with foam mounting tape for added dimension. Rounding the corners of the base card softens the look of the whole design, and, of course, an elegant satin ribbon provides a wonderful finishing touch. Don't forget a pretty pearl gem at the top of the heart.
Thanks for joining us for another Thursday's Dream Scheme. I hope you are getting excited about all the new designs that will be coming your way very soon. I can't wait to start teaching with some of these great designs.
Click on over to the DREAM it UP! blog for more great ideas, Lynell is truly inspirational. Then click on the other designer's names on the left side of my blog for even more great ideas.

Happy creating,


  1. I literally gasped and my mouth fell open with I saw this Louise....WOW!!! This is my kind of card. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!! Great job!! You blew off my UGGS!!!

  2. This card is LOVELY! After your class Tuesday (excellent by-the-way) I actually purchased this stencil thinking, "Just what I need - another heart shaped one!" but I just loved it. After seeing your post yesterday and now this beauty, I am so glad I did. My granddaughters are getting pink cards just like this one today! Thanks!

  3. I have seen this one up front and personal and it is more gorgeous in reality, if that's possible. BTW the way to make that accent over the e..hold down the option button and hit the e ...this will give you the accent mark, then as soon as you do that lift off the option key and hit the e again and that will do the job...on my computer anyway. Good luck!

  4. This is gorgeous! Love the color, sheen, the pearl accent and rounded corners. Great vintage look!

  5. WOW! Gorgeous card. What color ink did you use? And did you start with cream cardstock? I love the effect. This is another I will have to stamp lift. Thank you for being so creative!!!

  6. I started with white cardstock and used Brilliance Pearlescent Coral (one of my favorite colors). Thanks for all the lovely comments, this was one of my favorites samples that I did for Lynell.

  7. Lovely!! From what I can see of the damask background, I think that will definitely be at the top of my wishlist.

  8. Love the damask with that heart. Love the colors. (Are you feeling the love). Your card is beautiful! Then again, your work always is!


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