Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thursday Dream Scheme

Wow!! What a week! The Valentine Blog Hop was a blast with over 40 participants and lots of "hoppers"! If you haven't had time to check out all the great ideas, you have until 6:00 pm today to leave some comments to be eligible to win some great prizes. Click here to find out the details See my previous posting for my entry into the hop.

Today is Thursday, so you know what that means...another challenge from Dreamweaver Stencils! This weeks challenge is a designer's choice, so in keeping with the whole February/Valentine/Love theme that we've had going, I chose another beautiful heart design.
This is Dreamweaver Stencils' Floral Heart (LG712), just perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, a special someone...well you get the idea! I used Dreamweaver Embossing Paste (DEP basic white matte) on yellow cardstock. After the paste was dry (about 20-30 minutes or less on a warming tray), I put the clean stencil back over the dry paste and used small stencil brushes to add color to the flowers and foliage, pretty much any ink will work. Ticket punch the corners, mount it on coordinating layers, add a ribbon and gem to finish the design. This design works particularly well for a square card, but looks wonderful as a standard A2 size as well.
The rest of the Dream Team would love for you to click over to their blogs too. Just click on their names down the left side of my blog, and don't forget the DREAM it UP! blog! If you sign up as a follower on Lynell's blog by 6:00 pm EST tonight, you're eligible to win an additional prize!
Happy Creating,


  1. This is so soft and spring feeling!! Great job!!

  2. Lovely, soft and "springy!" Love the layering with the ticket punch - nice effect.

  3. Louise ...I love the pretty pastel of this card. Soft and elegant. Fabulous job.

  4. I love stenciling on the regular matte paste...and you are a master at it Louise!

  5. A breath of spring and, as you said, Louise, suitable for a number of occasions. Coloring on white matte paste lends a soft, velvety touch. Just beautiful!

  6. ok........oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wow! love it!!!

  7. So soft and pretty. Love this stencil and the colors you chose to stencil and shade with.

  8. OH MY you've got lots of talent and patience girl ... if I tried to colour those tiny little flowers I'm sure I'd end up with a great big mess! It's just wonderful!


Thanks for visiting my blog today. Your comments, questions, ideas are very welcome.