Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thursday Dream Schemes

Well we got back from vacation on Sunday afternoon. Two weddings, a graduation party, and a week in hot and humid Florida visiting Mickey and friends all in 10 days!  You're right, that wasn't a vacation, but it sure was fun! Now back to designing.
This week's Dreamweaver Stencils Thursday Dream Scheme is a colorway challenge given to us by fellow team member Laura.  We had to use the colors purple and yellow as the main focus of our design. Here's what I came up with:

Simply dry emboss the Black Eyed Susan (LJ902) stencil using a machine or by hand on white paper. With the stencil over the embossed design, use small stencil brushes to add color to the design (I used Brilliance Yellow, Orange, Thyme, Ivy, and Chocolate). Mount on a dark purple mat, then on a larger yellow mat. Use foam tape to mount to a dark purple card front.  Add a yellow ribbon with a couple of additional ties and mount to the front of a card.  As you can see, it looks great either as a vertical card or a horizontal card, which ever you prefer.  As a finishing touch, I put glue in the centers of the flowers and sprinkled loose tea on the glue to give the flower centers dimension and texture.
Be sure to check out the other great purple and yellow designs created by the rest of the Design Team, and don't forget to stop over at the DREAM it UP! blog for more inspiration.
Several members of our design team will be participating in a Fourth of July blog hop starting on July 2nd, so be sure to check back for more great ideas and some prizes!
Happy Creating,


  1. I think that tea you use in the center of the flowers is just so striking. I would adore getting this card in the mail and it could be used for so many occasions.

  2. Oooohhhh Louise, this is FABULOUS!!! Love it love it LOVE it!!!!

  3. Lovely, I too had thought about that stencil for this challenge and the iris won. You made a beautiful card.

  4. Love your coloring on the Black Eyed Susans. Beautiful shading.

  5. so very pretty. love that stencil and you did a GREAT job

  6. Oh my goodness Louise, I love this stencil and your design is perfect. Just beautiful. I hope that you have a great 4th of July!!! I can't wait to see your post next week.

  7. Wonderful work. I just love the way you used the colors and this beautiful stencil.


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