Thursday, January 12, 2012

More Valentines...

Welcome to the continuation of  Dreamweaver Stencils' January challenge. During the month of January, the Dream Team has been given the challenge of creating Valentines Day themed cards. If you missed last week's posts, be sure to browse back through the various designer's blogs to see those beautiful creations too. Dreamweaver is also sponsoring a contest for you to participate in throughout the month, click here for instructions of how to submit your creation and possibly win a great prize.
We automatically think "red" when Valentines Day is mentioned so this week I decided to create a Valentines Day card in a non-traditional color scheme. Here's what I created:

Start by taping the Heart background stencil (LJ833) on white cardstock with removable tape. Use the Paste Spreader (LM2010) to apply Glossy Blue Embossing Paste across the design. Remove the stencil and immediately sprinkle the wet paste with Crystal glitter. Set the glittered image aside to dry, clean and dry your stencil. Next tape the Lovebirds heart stencil (LL3011) to white cardstock and apply Glossy Blue Embossing Paste across the design. Remove the stencil and sprinkle the image with Art Glitter Ice Ultrafine glitter. Set the Lovebirds aside to dry, clean and dry your stencil.
When both images are dry, adhere the Heart background to blue mat and add a white ribbon near the bottom. Adhere that layer to a white card. Use a craft knife to carefully scrape some of the glitter off of parts of the birds to reveal the blue paste again. Punch the corners with a ticket punch, edge with a blue marker, and adhere to the card with foam mounting tape. A very easy card that definitely suits the occasion.
Supplies: LJ833, LM2010, LL3011, Glossy Blue Embossing Paste, Crystal glitter, Ice glitter, blue marker, ticket corner punch, foam tape, white and blue cardstock, white ribbon

Be sure to check out all this weeks creations by clicking on each designers name below

 Happy Creating,


  1. The non-traditional Valentine's Day colors are fabulous Louise!!! Beautiful creation!!

  2. I love how you did the scraping on the birds to get the two tone look! (and of course I am a blue fanatic from a long way back).

  3. beautiful combinations of blues and I love the layout :)

  4. I haven't played with the blue paste yet, but this card really makes me want to, I adore the blue!

  5. I LOVE this non-traditional Valentine! What a great idea. Love the shades of blue on the birds. So pretty!
    Hugs to you, Louise. Thinking of you and your family right now.

  6. Wow! This is really incredible! Such a clever idea to scrape off the glitter! I also love that non-traditional color palette.

  7. More love birds! Love them and the non-traditional colors. Great job!

  8. Louise I love that you did a blue valentine. Ialso love the stencil you picked to use those birds are just to sweet.

  9. Lovely card! The blue paste is very pretty, but I can't help but think it would look stunning in red. I love the heart background stencil and am adding that to my shopping list!

  10. I love the blue as a change for Valentine's Day. Very nice, refreshing and lovely.


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