Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dreamweaver Stencils

Every week I tell myself I'm going to be more organized and stay on top of all my projects and deadlines, and every week I can't believe it's Wednesday already and I need to get my posting done for our current Dreamweaver Stencils Thursday challenge! This week I'm stepping away from the monthly challenge to share the three cards we'll be making next Tuesday, June 5th at Creative Cuts and Crafts in Elmhurst IL.  This will be my first time teaching at their store, so I am very excited to meet everyone and share these wonderful products with them. There are still 2 spots left, so give them a call to save yours!  We'll be using Dreamweaver Stencils beautiful Long stem Iris (LL374) to create three beautiful cards in three fun techniques:

LL374 - Glossy Blue Paste w/ Crackle Paste

LL374 - Glossy White Paste on acetate w/ Color Solutions

LL374 - Dry embossed and stenciled with inks

So even though these are not even close to being Black and White with a POP of color, or Graduation cards, I hope you've been inspired to create something beautiful with your stencils this week!
Next month we'll start a new challenge with the team from Art Glitter.  It should be SPARKLY fun!

Be sure to stop over at the other team member blogs to see what the are sharing this week.

Happy Creating,


  1. WEll if you are going to step away from the challenge you did it up right!! Amazing 3 cards. What fun projects!

  2. these are lovely, wonderful summer colors, hugs

  3. These are stunning Louise! Wish I lived close enough to take your classes too!

  4. All of these are wonderful! My fave is that crackled star flower.

  5. Wow Louise these are three beautiful cards. Your class is going to be so impressed.

  6. Beautiful cards Louise. Congrats on your new job!!!

  7. Very nice cards, Louise. I especially like that top one. So pretty.

  8. WOW! Really pretty cards. Would love to take your class!! Wish I were closer.


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