Thursday, July 26, 2012

Summertime Fun!

The Dreamweaver Stencils July challenge of Summertime Fun wraps up this week with one final round of fun summer cards. Here's an easy card made with the beautiful Three butterflies (LL591) stencil:

Start by taping the stencil to white cardstock with removable tape. Use small stencil brushes to apply color to the design. Remove and clean the stencil. Replace the clean, dry stencil over the colored image and tape again with removable tape. Apply a coat of Regular (matte white) Embossing Paste with a paste spreader. Remove the stencil and place in water, immediately sprinkle the wet paste with Crystal glitter, shake off extra, let paste dry.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. Next month we will be featuring Christmas in August projects, so be sure to come back next Thursday too! Click on the Dream Team names on the left to see more great ideas.

Happy Creating,


  1. This technique gives a soft, delicate touch which is perfect for the butterfly stencil. Just lovely!

  2. This is such a great "go to" technique! And your choice of colors has really made it a summery card...reminds me of the mango flavored sorbetto that I had in your neighborhood a few days ago! YUM!

  3. Gorgeous, those soft peach colors are divine, hugs

  4. I'm with Lynell on this. Love the sherbet colors on this!

  5. What beautiful and cool colors for a hot summer day! Perfect

  6. Very the soft colors...


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