Thursday, August 30, 2012

Christmas in August

Well, our last post for Christmas in August already! Where has the month gone??? I know one thing that made August 29th a day our family will never forget...we welcomed our beautiful new granddaughter, Elinor Jane, into our family. She is just adorable and I can hardly wait to hold her on Friday! Here she is:

Puts everything in perspective doesn't it. We worry about things we think are important, and then we meet something that actually IS important!

It's pretty hot here again in IL, so keeping to the Christmas theme this week was OK by me! Here's three cards using the Antler snowflake stencil (LL399) for my upcoming class at Hannah's Home Accents in Antioch, IL on October 13th.

We'll also be doing a Zentangle class that day featuring the Umbrella (LG737) stencil. If you're in the area, give them a call to register for both classes!  Hope to see you there.

Umbrella - LG737
Rain - LJ905
Check out the rest of team for even more great Christmas ideas:
Happy Creating,


  1. Oh, what a sweetie. She's beautiful and precious and can't wait to be spoiled by Grandma Louise! Love your cards, too!

  2. Congratulation. Grandchildren are your dividends. Love the snowflakes.

  3. Congratulations Grandma!

    I love all three of your snowflake cards. I can't even choose a favorite.

    And your umbrella zentangle is amazing. Wish I could come to your class!!!

  4. After I talked to you yesterday someone asked me the name of your sweetie and i am I am really losing it. That is usually my first question! Thanks for the picture and yes these are the creations that make everything else pale to insignificance.

    Loving your upcoming class cards BTW....LOL!

  5. Congratulation on the new grand baby! They are special. And your cards are too! I like the snowflake variations - very cool.

  6. YOur cards are beautiful as always Louise wish I could come take that Zentangling class. the only thing more beautiful then your cards is that sweet little grand baby. She looks like an angel.

  7. You are such a show-off! That tiled snowflake looks as though it were done in crisp and pretty. Love the tangled umbrella. Is the other blue snowflake card done with the striae technique?

    Oh, almost forgot, what a cute kid, Grandma. She looks a bit like Liz I think. Have fun with her this weekend!


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