Thursday, April 18, 2013

Rain, Rain Go Away!

I know that's not really our challenge theme this month, but that's how I feel right now. I need sunshine soon! I am grateful that it's not snow, but enough already! It seems that our Dreamweaver Stencils April challenge of Mists, Drizzles and Showers has been an accurate forecast of our weather.
To go along with the rainy weather, I am showing yet another idea for the the Umbrella stencil (LG737), this time using Zentangle. Enjoy!

If you haven't tried using your stencils with this fun technique, you don't know what you're missing! Stencils are the perfect starting point because they provide natural divisions for your various Zentangle patterns. Check for classes in your area, you'll have fun, I promise! I use Sakura Micron pens to do mine.

Be sure to stop by the rest of the teams' blogs for more inspiration.

Happy Creating,


  1. I love your Zentangles. You really rock that technique. I am soooo envious!

  2. You are such a showoff! I really need to practice with the Zentangle some more. I get stuck in a rut with the same patterns over and over. Love this card, Louise, especially since the panel is mounted on my fave color!

  3. This card has been such an inspiration to me that I am using it in an upcoming "sten-tangle" class.

  4. Great umbrella! I have not tried creating any Zentangles yet...I may get a little obsessive if I do! Awesome job.

  5. Clever girl using Zentangle on the umbrella! Genius!

  6. Your awesome Zentangles made a beautiful card!!!

  7. Beautiful Zentangle, Louise. You really have a lot of patience. I like the patterns you used.

  8. love it when you get your ZEN on!

  9. Great job with the zen-tangle...It's a technique that I enjoy doing too. but mine doesn't look as nice as yours...need to practice some more. Thanks for inspiring me.


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