Thursday, May 23, 2013

Tiny Treasures

Welcome to our Thursday Dreamweaver Stencils designer challenge! Our theme for the month of May has been to create tiny treasures or treats to share with the special people in our lives. It might be for birthday, anniversary, thank you, or just to show you've been thinking of them. 

This has been a busy week for me as I have been helping Lynell, Elaine and Pam (our design team leader) to put on our first Dreamweaver Teacher Certification workshop here in the Batavia area. It has been a lot of work but we all had a great time, laughing a lot, eating a lot, and learning so much from the very talented stencil queen, Lynell!  Check out the Dreamweaver facebook page for some pictures!

Because of that, I got a little behind in my creation for this week, so I kept it very simple. Sometimes keeping things simple can still create an extra little personal touch on a gift package.
LL3020 - Retro Sitting Cat

This simple little gift bag is a perfect way to dress up your packaging for a gift card or small present. Simply paste emboss the Retro sitting cat (LL3020) on white cardstock with Glossy Black Embossing Paste and let it dry. Cut off a little of the left side and top so some of the cat's head stands out. Mount it on a cut little gift bag decorated with some beautiful ribbon from May Arts and TaDa!, a cute, easy way to give "a little something".
Check out the rest of the team blogs below.

A big thank you to all our veterans and their families on this Memorial Weekend.

Happy Creating,


  1. What a great gift bag! I love the contrast of colors. It makes the stencil truly pop!

  2. Adorable bag... it would be fun to receive a gift in this for sure! I especially like how you cut the background so the little kitty head is out...very clever and very cute!

  3. Really cute! Very nicely done.


Thanks for visiting my blog today. Your comments, questions, ideas are very welcome.