Thursday, May 2, 2013

Tiny Treats

Welcome to the Dreamweaver Stencils May designer challenge. This month we have been given the task of creating "Tiny Treats" (or gifts) perfect for teacher gifts, party favors, hostess gifts, well, I think you get the picture.
Dreamweaver Stencils just released 6 wonderful new stencils that should be getting to stores near you very soon. One of the new designs is a darling little fox. Actually, it comes in two sizes, which is even better! We live in the Tri-cities area of Illinois right along the Fox River, so this little guy immediately won my heart. I'm sure you'll be seeing several ideas for these new beauties in the next couple weeks on the team blogs.
This week I have created a little post-it note gift. I love how just a little paper and a cute design really dresses up an every day staple. I used to make these for my kids' teachers. They always appreciated them because we all know teachers can use a lot of notes throughout a school year. They make great little favors for parties too, and can be made in any size to fit whatever size notepad you have.
LM2016 Small Fox

First create the folder from decorative cardstock.
Stencil inks over the Small Fox stencil.
Decorate the folder with the stenciled image, a strip of  blue, and brads

Glue a post-it notepad inside. Notice the little flap folded over the one edge,
underneath that I put a little strip of magnet, and one on the outside front of the cover
to act as a closure.

Here it is from the side. The green notepad matches the green circles on the paper

Here's a close up of the fox. I used Brilliance Inks (Rust, Beige, Coffee Bean, and Graphite Black)
The paper he is stenciled on is the back side of the circle paper the folder is made from.

The paper is from BASICEGREY's  bow ties collection called marbles and dodge ball. The folder is 4 1/8" x 10", scored 3 1/2" from one end, then move over 1/2", move over 4 1/16", move over 1/2", then 3/4" scoring after each move. There should be 5/8" left after the last score. Fold it all up, decorate it, and you're done! Sometimes I use a cute ribbon as a closure, or two brads and a string, it depends what the outside looks like and what seems to fit.

Be sure to see what out other team members have created this week, then get creative yourself and join our monthly challenge! Sign up over at the DREAM it UP! blog.

Happy Creating,


  1. Great project Louise and use of the new fox stencil. Sticky notes are an essential and works perfectly for our theme this month!

  2. What a cute little gifty...I love what you've done with the fox...well stenciled! I can tell you love stenciling.

  3. So whimsical! I love the combination of the fox and the jumbo dots!

  4. I really do think that Post Its were invented for covering and making cute little gifts! Love the stenciled fox, Louise!

  5. What a gorgeous note pad holder!! Sure would make a fun "just because" gift! The fox stenciling and colors are perfect!

  6. I love decorating post-its for small gifts and this is just adorable! Love that fox

  7. Very cute! Great gift idea...


Thanks for visiting my blog today. Your comments, questions, ideas are very welcome.