Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Creative Chemistry Day 2!

Updated with the rest of the tags!

Today's techniques in Creative Chemistry 102 with Tim Holtz were all about Distress products and stencils. Being on the Dreamweaver Stencils design team, I knew I was going to have a lot of fun today! I always love to learn how to apply other products to our stencils. There are several homework assignments today, so keep checking back for updates as I complete them!
Day 2 Tags:
First tag of Day2:

Mixed Media Layering
Mixed Media Layering 
Mixed Media Layering - the layers up close!

Embossing with Stencils

Embossing through Stencils
Stencil Stamping
Stencil Sketching

Ink Monoprint

Paint Monoprint


Happy Creating,


  1. I really love the colours you've used for this technique!

  2. Amazing tags! The ink monoprinting is my fav of yours. Love stencils too! They are such great and versatile tools! See you tomorrow in class! Hugs, Sandra

  3. Reeeally lovely tags! Thanks for the inspiration!

    die amelie x

  4. Wow, gorgeous tags, you're really busy. I'm still behind, will watch yesterday's videos this afternoon.

  5. Wonderful work Louise! Lots of tags too...which must mean lots of fun creating. My fave is the chicken wire with the turquoise and the orange swirlies...Hope it's Ok to have a fave!


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