Thursday, October 17, 2013

Mysterious and Magical Week 3!

OK, am I the only one that feels like time has sped up! I truly don't know how it got to be the middle of October already! I haven't even worked on my Halloween cards yet, much less Thanksgiving and Christmas! Mysteriously it all seems to get done eventually...maybe that's the Magical!
Are you ready to be spooked, mystified and magically transported to the land of Halloween and holidays? Hop on board the Dream Team train as we journey through all things Mysterious and Magical through the month of October. Our guest "engineer" is Miss Eerie herself, Alison Heikkila. October promises to be a very bumpy ride...
I really love witches' hats at Halloween, I always answer my door on Halloween night dressed all in black and wearing  a tall black witch hat. Alas, Dreamweaver Stencils does not have a witch hat stencil (I've talked to Lynell about that!) so I have gotten creative once more to make the perfect little hat for our wonderful Retro Standing Cat stencil (LL3021), my own version of "Cat in the Hat" so to speak! (If you missed my first hat creation, click here to see it) Here he is:

LL3021- Retro Standing Cat  - Glossy Black Embossing Paste
Black glitter from Art Glitter, and Green linen ribbon from May Arts
 Now, to create that cute little hat that is just the right size, I've combined parts of two other stencils, LM173 Birdbath, and  LM183 Ice Cream cones,  Paste with Glossy Black Embossing Paste, cut them out, layer them, add a little glitter pen to hide where they meet and create the look of a band around the hat, add it to the cat with foam mounting tape.

LM173 - Birdbath tape off just the bowl portion
LM183 Ice cream cones tape off the cone portion

Hope you like my Cat in the Hat, and will come up with some creative ways to use parts of your stencils to create magical designs!
Here are other team member links so you can look at their wonderful creations too!

Happy Creating,


  1. Oh Louise, great out-of-the-box creative thinking...I'm in awe of where you went with this to create the hat! Your card is super.

  2. What a totally clever way to make a witch's hat! You would never guess that those two stencils made it! Awesome job, and your kitty is adorable.

  3. Oh my...very very clever Louise! A second stroke of genius on making a witch's hat. LOL! Thanks for the many little tips!...they add up to a wonderful whole.

  4. What a very neat idea! I love the way you used two stencils to create an element of...WOW!

  5. Cute! I really like the way you created that hat. You are so clever!


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