Thursday, February 20, 2014

February Flutters Continue!

The Dreamweaver challenge for the month of February  is in full swing. It will be a short month of posts for the Dream Team, but we're pretty excited to share with you our versions of"February Flutters", meaning anything that flutters. Heart flutters, wings that flutter, breezes, sails, etc. So, come along for the ride and link your own "flutterings" to the Dream It Up! blog for a chance to win the stencil of your choice. 

Meanwhile, here's my "fluttering" for the week featuring the Nest flourish stencil (LL587) and the Birdcage stencil (LL3012):

Notecard Folders featuring the
Nest flourish stencil (LL587) and the Birdcage stencil (LL3012)
I featured this Notecard Folder project for Mother's Day last year (click here for detailed instructions) and will be teaching these in April up at Door County Rubber Stamps in Egg Harbor, WI. Details for the weekend workshops will be available soon. Both folders contain four matching notecards and envelopes and use Matte Black Embossing Paste with some Metallic F/X powders for a little color.

These make wonderful gifts for any occasion.

Fly on over to the other team member blogs for their fluttering creations!

Happy Creating,


  1. I love these little note card folders. What an awesome class!

  2. I love card portfolios and you always do such fabulous ones! Makes me want to come take your class!

  3. Simple and sweet, what a lovely ensemble Louise!

  4. As Pam, said in a post above mine...I wish I could take your class too. These note holders are really cute...and the cards you made to go in them are just lovely.

  5. beautiful cards and those folders are delightful, hugs


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