Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Dreamweaver-Stampendous Blog Hop Day 3!

Welcome to Day 3 of the Dreamweaver Stencils and Stampendous Faces of Art blog hop! The Dream Team always loves incorporating the great products from Stampendous into our creations.

We were challenged to create using Dreamweaver and Stampendous products, and based on the name of the hop, "Faces of Art".   Here's what I created for you today:

 Today's creation has a more modern feel, I think so anyway. It's almost minimalist in that there are only three images used (plus the ric rak), but I really like how it turned out. From a distance, when it's hanging on a wall, it looks like a vase of flowers on a ledge and a couple of flowers have fallen. 

Up close, you see the detail of the Stampendous Blossom Beauty stamp shine through the acetate flowers.  I was going to add a flourish on the edges, but the more I looked at her, the more I liked her just like this!
Here's how I did it:

  • Stamp the Blossom Beauty face with black ink on white cardstock
  • Color her lips and eyes
  • Place the open plastic template the comes with the stamp set over the stamped face and tape down with removable tape
  • Use a 3/4" stencil brush and light green ink to stencil a little color over the whole face
  • Lay the Fan pattern stencil (LJ813) over the face and tape in place with removable tape
  • Use a 3/4" stencil brush to add more of the same color through the Fan stencil, repeat with a slightly darker shade of green
  • Remove the fan stencil and wipe off the ink with a soft cloth
  • Return the fan stencil over the green then shift it up so the openings are now between the first openings
  • Use a clean 3/4" stencil brush to add a pink ink through the stencil
  • Remove and clean the stencil and the plastic mask
  • Stamp the Blossom image on acetate with Black StazOn ink six times
  • Use the three different size dies to cut two flowers of each size
  • Use Dreamweaver Color Solutions inks on the back of the acetate ( I used Lemoncello, Paprika Red, and Cosmo Pink), you can use an applicator to apply the ink or I just dropped some color around and let it spread, let them dry well
  • Coat a 10" x 10" canvas with white Gesso, let dry
  • Ink edges with stencil brush and the same light green ink from the face
  • Draw a black line 2" up from the bottom edge of the canvas
  • Stencil the fan pattern below the line with the light green color, you will have to move your stencil over, but this is an easy design to line back up
  • Add a little of the pink color above the line
  • Stencil the fan pattern on a piece of white cardstock that is slightly larger than the face, edge with a black marker
  • Layer the face on a black mat, then on the larger stenciled piece and glue to the center of the canvas, lining it up along the black line
  • Glue down the flowers (I use a liquid glue that dries clear and brush it all over the acetate, it does not show that way
  • Add black ric rak around the edge
NOTE: when cutting the acetate flowers, I put the acetate flower on a piece of cardstock and die cut it, otherwise the acetate is too thin and doesn't cut cleanly. (but that could be my acetate, so you should experiment with yours first)

Be sure to hop over to the other designer's Faces of Art postings:

Happy Creating,


  1. Great canvas.

    craftymom205 at yahoo dot com

  2. I love how you have made yours subdued. awesome.

  3. Quite different.....I like it!!!

  4. that is just beautiful, I love the underlying stencil. Very neat idea.

  5. Very unique and awesome...would love having something like this hanging in my creative room!!

  6. Very intriguing way you used the image and flower, love it.

  7. I am stil smiling while typing this...what a beautiful fun card!

  8. Very unique way to use the products! I love the pop of color from the acetate flowers and that stencil is fantastic.

  9. Great idea to stamp the flowers on acetate so you can still see the eyes through the flowers! Love it :)

  10. Beautiful - so different! I really enjoyed my visit to your blog today!

  11. Ahhhh, so cool! It also looks like she has a veil over her face. Such a clever project Louise!

  12. Love how you have her peeking thru the flowers and a few on the ground.

  13. Very creative design.
    Sue in Ohio

  14. That is a gorgeous piece of artwork!

  15. WOW! What a GORGEOUS creation.....soooo inventive!

  16. Thanks for the tip about the acetate! Very different look for you, Louise! It really does look like a modern still life vase of flowers, until you keep on looking!

  17. Beautiful. You can still see her whole face even though oart if it is obscured by the flowers.
    the flowers are wonderful. there is a pattern that looks like lace running through the whole piece. Besides flowers she has a veil.

  18. Love the beautiful red flowers. Awesome project.

  19. Love your "vase of flowers". So pretty. Thanks for sharing your idea with us.

  20. Love how artsy and modern your project is, gorgeous!!

  21. Very unique way
    to use the stamps
    and stencils.
    Carla from Utah

  22. Beautiful. I was stunned when I got to last image.

  23. You are so talented! I love this card. Thank you for the tip on cutting acetate. The acetate flowers are perfect for this image.

  24. What a cool piece, I like that the flowers aren't totally opaque.

  25. You just truly amaze me. Wish you would have taught this class in Door County! But seriously, this is a beautiful piece. Well done!

  26. Interesting interpretation of flowers in a vase; I never would have thought of that. thanks, -con

  27. What a pretty wall hanging! I love the colors of the flowers, thanks for sharing.

  28. Very cool! Love the acetate flower idea! Beautiful wall hanging. Thanks for sharing.

    Katie B.

  29. STUNNING!!!
    LOVE the design, LOVE the colours, LOVE the flowers, LOVE it ALL!!!
    THANK YOU for sharing how you created this lovely work!!!

  30. I love the ric rac on the edges, it very much mimics the geometry of the fan stencil.


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