Thursday, May 8, 2014

Flora and Fauna Dreamweaver Style Round 2

Welcome to the merry month of May! The Dream Team are challenging you this month to a "Flora and Fauna" theme! Considering most of the Dreamweaver designs incorporate both of these in the huge variety of stencils, you should have no problem playing along with our challenge this month! As usual, link your creations at the end of the Dream It Up! blog post, or at the end of our posts where it says, "Add Your Link". As the challenge gets underway, you'll see thumbnails of others who are playing along as inspirations for your own creations!
This week I have been busy teaching the Dreamweaver Stencils Certification 2 class along with Pam Hornschu in Geneva IL. Here are a few pics of the class!
Karren from Memories and Beyond, Downers Grove, IL

Carla from Pearl Street Stamping, Tremont, IL
Teachers Margaret and Joan

Jean from Stampin' n Scrapin' Fun, Marshfield, WI
Michelle from Michelle's Crafts, Hayward, WI

Marilyn from Stamp Thyme, Lockport, IL
Pam Hornschu our fearless Dream Team leader!
I have loved the Stylized Dahlia stencil (LG743) ever since it was released. When I'm in a hurry and need a quick, beautiful card I know I can use this stencil and create one in no time. Here are my creations for this week:

LG743 - Stylized dahlia using Pearlescent Embossing Paste and Metallic F/X Powders

LG743 - Stylized dahlia using Glossy White Embossing Paste and glitter
Please welcome our new "B" team, officially posting for the first time!

Happy Creating,


  1. Wonderful pix of the store owners learning! Thanks for that. Love the stylized Dahlia as well! We will have a paper piecing die of that design soon! YAY!

  2. It's great to see all the photos of the gals working hard at the certification workshop! Wish I could have swung it. You are right about that stencil Louise, it's perfect for quick card making with lovely results.

  3. Great cards! Love that stencil too!

  4. That stencil looks great. I love both ways that you used it.

  5. Both of these are beautiful. I love how varied they are, just by changing up the techniques! Thanks for sharing those fun pictures too!

  6. Just like you can depend on the Stylized Dahlia for a great card, I know I can count on you for great inspiration! Beautiful cards, Louise!

  7. Awesome and happy cards! Such a fun class last week with one of my BFFs!


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