Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

Welcome to the birth of a new year...2015 to be precise! In honor of that, we've decided that our monthly challenge for January will be Birthday Wishes. We'd love for you to play along with us, and link your creations to the Inlinkz tool at the bottom of this post, or on the Dream It Up! blog, for a chance to win the stencil of your choice...and remember, using Dreamweaver products gets you bonus points towards an extra stencil!

Here's my birthday wish for this week:

Happy, happy birthday to my dear friend, Lynell. You are an amazing woman, and I am so grateful you have let me be a part of your team. Wishing you a wonderful, happy year.
Alas, I am still in Cincinnati and have no supplies with me, so Ellie helped me create this masterpiece for your birthday. We had a lot of fun making it and we hope you like it!

The other reason I've gotten nothing created is the birth of our second beautiful granddaughter on December 26th. We have been having a great time playing with Ellie and holding Penny, life is good!
Here are a few pictures:

Of course, more birthday inspirations coming your way from the Dream Team:


  1. Thank Ellie for me, Louise! Beautiful work! They are so fun at that age...and the new baby gets in on the action too!

  2. Congrats on your new granddaughter!

  3. Huge congratulations, Louise. Tell Ellie that I love her work of art! Enjoy those sweeties for me!

  4. How sweet and adorable. So glad you two could create together. Hope you are enjoying your time during the holidays. Wishing you a very happy NEW YEAR!

  5. Awww! So cute! Enjoy those babies while you can and congratulations.

  6. What a special post...tell Ellie from me too, that I like her art...she's following in her Grandmom's footsteps...and Congrats on the new addition to your family!


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