Yesterday morning we awoke to a winter wonderland! All the dire predictions for the Chicagoland area came true as the blizzard swept through our town. Our side of the street got the big drifts, which made it a challenge to even get out of the garage to start shoveling! Our poor little snow blower got quite the workout. Normally it can handle the small snowfalls we get throughout the winter, but this was quite a bit deeper than it is used to handling. You could almost hear it saying "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!" (remember "The Little Engine that Could")!! It took several hours and some help from a neighbor, but we have a cleared driveway. Oh well, it is winter.

This week's
Dreamweaver Stencils Thursday Dream Scheme challenge was a designer's choice so I wanted to share this great new stencil design that was just released at CHA. It's the new Rooster (LG732) design from Dreamweaver Stencils and you can just see that he is crowing with delight at the break of a new day!

There are so many great ways to use this new design. For this one, I used several different colors of inks and small stencil brushes to apply color to the image on white cardstock. I used the Picasso stencil (LL332) to help on small areas. After cleaning the stencil, tape it back over the stenciled image using painters tape and apply
Translucent Embossing Paste. Let it dry, then mount it on decorative papers for a wonderful all occasion card.
Stay tuned for lots more samples with the new designs. Don't forget to click over to the
DREAM it UP! blog to see more great samples, and, of course, check out the rest of the Dream Team blogs as well!
Happy Creating,
Louise....great photo of how much snow you got. I have been praying for those of you that got hit with the crazy blizzard. Stay in and keep warm!! I love your rooster!! You did a fabulous job!! We missed you at CHA, but you were in our hearts!! Take care!!
Snow, snow, everywhere least here in Illinois! We have 10' piles of snow from clearing the driveway! I love your bright, cheery rooster card to go with the bright, cheery, sunny day today. Too bad it's only about 5 degrees when you get outside!
Same snow in Nova Scotia (lol). Your card is wonderful! I love the deep colours you achieved!
Louise ...I love your rooster, the colors are so rich. hope you are doing OK with all that snow, I can't even imagine. Stay warm
Those of you who live in the colder climates have my undying admiration for dealing with snow and cold. But your rooster certainly brightens up the day. I can almost hear him crow! Great job, Louise.
May I say WOW to the snow and the stunning rooster. Great meeting you!
Louise...he is a fab guy...Love those rich colors, very appropriate for the feel of the stencil. Wow...all that snow reminds me of blizzards back in So.Dak. growing up. Brrrr....but our temp is dropping here tonight too, frost advisories, that is pretty cold for So. Cal. If it sounds like I'm whining...well maybe a little, guess we're spoiled.
Love the rooster - I bought that stencil for my granddaughter. She'll have fun with it. All of your work is amazing! By the way, I am really jealous of all the snow. I love snow and we barely got any this year!
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